2 Powerful Reasons Why You Need to Call Steve Adamko – Interior Designer Right Now!
The Following Applies … whether you are a client in need of a designer, a student, or you need a teacher or mentor! Here are 2 Powerful Reasons Why You Need to Call Steve Adamko.
2 Powerful Reasons Why You Need to Take Heed
When comparing decorators and designers, there is an overwhelmingly large range of talents and skills. Unfortunately, for the uninformed client, you definitely can’t rely on the title they assigned to themselves to be able to distinguish which is which, either!
Some independent decorators and interior designers only work in their own preferred personal style and look. They are quite comfortable because they limit themselves to their one favorite specific genre. Others are only comfortable working with the types of furniture and styles that they personally like and are comfortable with from a personal standpoint. If for some reason you choose to work with them, you are buying what they like. So, in essence, you are buying their look or brand.
Coincidentally, everyone else that uses them gets their look or brand, too! So the interior of your house may very well look extremely similar to someone else’s house. Where is the individuality and uniqueness in that? Therefore, your personality and the look and ambiance that you want or need is partially or totally submerged by the look the decorator or designer would prefer to impose on you based on the personality and aesthetic preferences of the decorator or designer! So, whose house is it, anyway? Who pays the house payment?
Steven C. Adamko – Interior Designer is a High-Level 10+ Designer. Make No Mistake About It!
When it comes to selecting an interior decorator or designer, you must be careful. Realize that you can rank interior decorators and designers in categories from kindergarten level, all the way up to Masters, Ph.D., and Doctorate. Or if you prefer, you can rank them from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest. To judge properly, you have to know what you’re looking for and what constitutes top-level interior design.
If you need a level 8 to 10 interior, don’t mistakenly hire a level 7 designer. This reminds me of a quote from one of Clint Eastwoods’ movies, “A man’s (or woman’s) got to know his (her) limitations.” If you as a client don’t know the decorator or designers limitations, relative to what you need, then the next line from one of Clint Eastwoods’ movies is appropriate for you. “Are you feeling lucky?” Well, you’re going to need a lot of luck if your interior decorator or designer is under-powered and lacking in talent and ability!
It’s Not Good to Make Mistakes!
Yet many people do every day by choosing the wrong designer or teacher to work with. Many people don’t know how to choose, they don’t know what criteria to use when they do choose.
There’s way too much confusion out there perpetrated by amateurs and people with limited skill sets and knowledge in the field of interior design. It seems like everybody thinks they are an interior designer these days, with some inherent gene they got from birth. Unfortunately many women are seemingly afflicted by this idea and belief. That’s why you see 80% of the people out there in the interior design field are women.
Just because they’re women does not make them great interior designers. Yes some are! And I personally met some of the best that you see in Architectural Digest. But the majority of them really don’t have a handle on what it takes to be a really fantastic interior designer. They don’t have the requisite skill, knowledge, vision, insight, wisdom, and understanding to operate at a very High-Level. This definitely jeopardizes the ultimate result that a client or student needs.
You Need to Make the Best Choice and You Need to Make the Best Investment in You
In the majority of cases you only have one chance to get it right! One chance to make the right choice! Because if you don’t, it’s going to be very costly!
A famous person named Red Adair said the following, “If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, way until you hire an amateur!”
Yes it might be expensive to hire professional what truly it’s way more expensive and time and money when you hire an amateur or a person who is not at a level that you need. In many cases it is often disastrous, whether you know it or not. And if you don’t know what it’s even more disastrous.
Make sure you get exactly the person that you need. It’s like the quote the movie The Patriot. “Aim small, Miss small.” Which actually means tighten it up so you don’t miss the bull’s eye. And hitting the bull’s eye means getting exactly what you want and need.